Our workshops and fun, interactive exercises make fundraising easy and intuitive (even for the most reluctant board member – I know, I’ve been one myself!). You’ll learn simple ways your non-profit’s personality creates a strong and authentic connection between the important work you do and your donors.
Everyone buys from someone — or a company – they like and trust. Use the personality of your business to forge lasting, dynamic and memorable connections with customers in new and exciting ways that lead to sales. (Even if you think you hate sales!)
All successful companies, whether they sell high tech equipment or hotel rooms, use their business personality for marketing. You can learn the 5 easy steps to unlock your unique business personality (it’s more obvious than you may think!) to create powerful stories that will drive your marketing.
Storytelling brings clarity. Storytelling creates unbreakable connections. Your company’s story is already out there in the world, told by your employees, your customers and your prospects. Let’s make sure it works for you.